DisruptHR: The Rebellious Future of HR

DisruptHR: The Rebellious Future of HR

DisruptHR is an international movement with more than 130 chapters all over the world. It is an information exchange designed to energize, inform and empower people in the HR field. Check-out the corporate DisruptHR chapter here: https://disrupthr.co/

Our ROCHESTER chapter has been hosting disruptive events since 2019. We exist to foster greater purpose by linking people, work, and community. We believe that work is not just about earning a paycheck, but about finding meaning and fulfillment in what we do every day. By bringing together diverse perspectives and ideas, we can create a stronger sense of purpose that extends beyond the workplace and into our communities.

Meet the ROC Team

  • Elina Kokorotsis

    DisruptHR ROC Lead & License Holder

  • Melanie DellaPietra

    Sponsorships Committee Lead

  • Barb Glassman

    Sponsorships Co-Lead

  • Leanne Reed

    Speaker’s Committee Lead

  • Audrye Smith

    Event Logistics Lead

  • Kasya Nor Ariffin

    Registration and Volunteers Lead

  • Mallory Clause

    Social Media Committee Lead

  • Christine O’Rourke

    Organizational Support

Additional Volunteers

  • Sri Kartik

    Speaker Selection & Analytics Guru

  • Erin Brooks

    Speaker Selection

  • Jona Wright

    Speaker’s Committee & Past Speaker

  • Sean Bengry

    Speaker Selection, Interactive Media & Past Speaker

  • Caitlin Drago

    Speaker Coach and Past Speaker

  • Laurie Call

    Speaker’s Committee Support

  • Jess McCallops

    Speaker’s Committee & PPT Guru

  • Brian Quinn

    Supporting Member & A/V Guru

  • Fred Dewey

    Speaker Coach and Past Speaker